"And so, every fourth Thursday in November, American families sit down at a large table brimming with tasty dishes, and, for the only time during the year, eat better than the French do." -- Art Buchwald, "Explaining Thanksgiving Day to the French"
If you can't guess from this massive post void, I have been a very busy girl.
On Monday, November 22, I turned in my final paper for column writing class, which profiled the life and work of a Washington Post and former Herald-Tribune columnist, the late Art Buchwald. It was a treat to end the quarter writing a paper on a very fascinating and funny columnist who's career hay-day spanned from his expatriate, Parisian life in the '50s to Nixon's resignation. Out of all the books I've read so far, "Paris after Dark" and "Getting High in Government Circles" contain his best columns. For those who enjoy the tasteful cynicism of David Sedaris works, Buchwald's commentary on current events and human absurdities would be your cup of tea.
That paper sealed off a quarter that I don't believe was my best. I'm still venting out all the exhaustion and stress incurred from the past three months. On the bright side, it's the future I'm looking forward to - including a fantastic internship throughout the month of December, long-awaited reunion with some NYC denizens, and braving the last two quarters (plus one summer session) of my last year in college... that cannot come any sooner.
Starting December 2nd, I will be spending my month in New York City for a styling internship with, hold your breath, Opening Ceremony. Prior to my chat with Daria last week, I was certain that I wasn't going to get a spot due my short-term availability and my journalism-heavy background. But hey, I expressed my deep interest in styling, especially for a company/brand that has been completely inspiring through their artistic and fun approach to luxury retail.
I'm looking forward to flexing out my styling capabilities and working with the wonderful and youthful team behind OC. To help stretch my dollars to their max potential, my friend Jess and her man roommates have offered to house me in their Brooklyn loft for no cost whatsoever. (I'm in debt to her offer, so I'll be pitching in on groceries, domestic work, and maybe a housewarming gift or two.) I've been talking to some friends in the city who are looking forward to my arrival, I've been mapping out what I'm doing on the first day and destination spots I'll venture to before my departure, and I'm saving my night of clubbing and gay bar hopping for when Branka arrives to the city for a few days. But hey, I'll do that with anyone, any day - saving Netflix nights.
For all this, I deplete what weighs me down and lift my spirits up with opportunities I've scored and those who have helped me along the way. Here's to being thankful for it all. Yes, I had to wrap this entry up with a seasonal twist.
I currently have a food baby sloshing in my tummy as a result of a bread and cheese heavy meal. My single-self spent Thanksgiving at the Sormazs, my best friend's family, who treated me to Serbian delectables and Turkish coffee. We all gave a hand at reading fortunes from our coffee post-sipping, but none of us are experts at interpreting ground blots. Mine sketched out what looked like the movie poster for The Notebook. One could only hope.
PS, still unsure as to what direction this blog should take. More fashion? More music? Fashion and music? Daily dumps in the toilet? Eavesdropping daily?